Race Cars

1978 March 78B Formula Atlantic Roller - SOLD

This is now SOLD. Search for similar items.
This desirable historic atlantic is complete except for an engine. A sleeved block comes with the car which was the beginnings of a new engine build-up.
Available upon request.
Competition History
Watkins Glen, Summit Point, Mosport, Lime Rock, etc. 1996
Performance Data
- FA
- 1050 lbs
- Cosworth
- sleeved block only
- 2 years old
- yes
- front
- yes
- rear
- Electromotive ignition
- Hewland
- FT200
- 5
- spare gears
- Hewland
- in unit with gearbox
- Good ring and pinion
- White fiberglass, good shape
- have professional body molds
- Monocoque, re-enforced front pivot points
- March Cars, Ltd.
- aluminum
- nill
- good
- Dual A's, nickel plated
- Nickel plated
- Discs F and R, vented rotors
- Rack/pinion
- 3 piece
- needs fire bottle
- needs belts
- Original gauges
- 10 spare gearsets
- body molds