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1970 Titan Mark 6 A Formula Ford - SOLD

F1 Authentics 3

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Ruptured Duck is going to retire. He is selling his best car. Recently restored ( last year ), with a new frame . This car has everything. Finely tuned shifting, gears, setup. Everything needed to win races. Has original forced air ram. This car will come with the original blueprint drawings, and results for the FF championship in England when driven by Richard Hawkins, 3rd. place finish. First restored by Simon Hatfield and Brian Redman in England. Comes with Lap Counter, Motorola two way radio system with extra harnes. PI data system. Seven extra sets of gears, and lead weights. Rear engine bay belly pan. AND FRAME MOLD for making a new frame. w/extra set of wheels-Price 23,750.00


see above. Driven by Richard Hawkins at the FF ford championship in England. He finish 3rd.

Competition History

over a dozen or two wins. never below a rare 3rd place finish. see for some pictures and many results.
Performance Data

  • FF
  • 926 lbs
  • sebring to Watkings Glen
  • Cricket Farm motors, Rollins Butler
  • uprated 1600 cc
  • 1600
  • 116/117
  • only one race on engine
Fuel System


  • Hewland
  • Hewland 9

  • brand new
  • powder grey and nickel plate
  • brand new
  • koni, recently rebuilt or tested
  • monoposto legal
  • monoposto spec dunlops

  • see above description