Race Cars

1983 Reynard RF83 FF1600 - SOLD

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This car has been stored since 1990 and has a fresh Ivey Pro 1600cc ($9200 retail).
Reynard RF83 History S/N 83F-068 1983 - New - Alan Yankielun (NY) purchased the car with partial sponsorship from Adrienne Reynard and won 8 out of 9 races that year (3 at Lime Rock, 2 Pro Races etc.) resulting in four Championships: Pocono, NY, Nordic, New England. 1984 - Peter Dunne 1985 - Sold back to BRM and used as a rental. 1986 - Feb. ‘88 Matt Morgesom, Hoopeston, Illinois. Feb. ‘88 - Nov. ’89 Graham Marriacci, , Calgary, Alberta Canada. Nov. ‘89 - present Brian Elliott, Calgary, Alberta Canada. Western Canadian Canon/Yokohama FF1600 series 1990.
Competition History
Stored since 1990.
Performance Data
- FF1600
- tbd lbs
- Ivey
- Pro 1600cc
- IV8906s
- fresh
- water rads
- 2 side mounted
- engine oil cooler
- side mounted
- 12V
- Hewland Mk 9
- Hewland in unit w/gearbox
- 10:31 CWP
- fiberglass
- Blue
- Good
- Extra nose
- spaceframe
- inboard
- inboard
- tbd
- 4 wheel disc
- rack & pinion
- Revolution & Compmotive (11 wheels in total)
- Yokohama
- yes
- 5 pt. harness
- original instruments
- detachable steering wheel
- good condition
- 7 spare wheels
- brand new nose