Race Cars

1997 Van Diemen rf97 - SOLD

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This car took 2nd in the NARRC championship this season as well as several respectable finishes (two 3rds and a 2nd) in the Cooper Tires Gold Cup series. The car has penske triples with updated valving done by stimola. So far 2 corners have the updated (99 spec that are stonger and of aerotube) pushrods, gun drilled axles (recently replaced), and AIM mapping data system, a crapload of wheels. I also have a spare diffuser i think some front wings, a complete rear wing upper/lower, spare track rods, a rear beam and a bunch of other spare odds and ends, as well as some spare fiberglass nose parts, I think i might have some spare nose boxxes hidden in the garage too, and perhaps spares wings. The engine was done last winter by Curtis Farley and made good power,146.3 HP at 6500rpm. Trannywise as expected it has an ld200 and some spare gears. Oh it also has an aluminum floorpan and fresh belts that went in last winter.
USF2000 pro series, Cooper Tires Gold Cup (pro series), SCCA Nationals, SCCA regionals, EMRA events
Competition History
2nd Place NARRC championship 2005, 1st place Lime Rock Park June 2005, 3rd place Mid Ohio Cooper series Agust 05, and a bunch of other good results
Performance Data
- FC
- 1190 lbs
- 53.8 sec
- Lime Rock Park
- Curtis Farley
- Ford
- 2.0L pinto
- 2 liter
- 146.3
- 2x
- sidepods
- yes
- in sidepod
- AIM mapping logger
- AIM mapping logger
- hewland
- LD200
- several spares
- fiberglass
- red/black
- decent
- spaceframe
- Van Dieman
- steel
- gray paint
- good
- pushrod
- pushrod
- penske triple adjustable, rebiult last winter
- ld20, vented rotors
- pushrods, track rods, misc pieces
- fiberglass noses
- complete rear wing and diffuser
- nose boxxes, and wings
- OZ magnesium wheels
- other MISC parts