Race Cars

1983 Van Diemen F3 F1000 - SOLD

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83 Van Diemen Formula Ford conversion to Motorcycle engine power. Chain drive, Beasley Spool non-differential rear sprocket assembly which can be retrofitted with a bolt-in Quaiffe LSD inline Diff. Jongbloed wheels w/ Formula Mazda tires, also a set of mounted rains. New condition 1993 Kawasaki ZX 1100 motor w/ only 500 miles on it at time of install that could easily be re-sleeved for F1000 racing. One of the finest USA conversions out there... Excellent for solo or Formula Libre. 96" inch wheelbase, nosepiece was shortened in height to resemble '82 model, less drag, nicer than the 'Big Mouth Bass' front on a stock '83 nose. Needs fire system. Scary Fast, 11,ooo RPM redline. Compare the price to Speads, DSR's, potentially can be converted to full bodywork for DSR. Comes with set of molds for a Vintage LeGrand DSR body. Will NOT separate the molds for sale, but car can be purchased w/o molds, same price. Some lengthening to a body pulled from theses molds will be required. Pro Conversion constructors were a Boeing engineer and a Brabham tech. Go to the DSR.Net website for history on LeGRand DSR Race Cars. NOTICE!!! THIS IS THE FINAL PRICE REDUCTION !!!!! this offer will expire August 1st 2008!!! SO, FOR ALL YOU FF OWNERS WHO TRIED TO LOWBALL ME ON THE PRICE FOR SPARES FOR YOUR EXISITNG '83's YOU NEED TO PONY UP NOW OR YOU ALL WILL BE S.O.L. AS '83 SPARES SIMPLY DO NOT EXIST!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL NOT PART THIS CAR OUT FOR BITS AND PIECES FOR SPARES TO ANYONE!!!! PERIOD. DON'T ASK ME!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!
Originally FF1600, FF competition history unknown, sorry, no logbook. Car is original, not built from spares...Engine
- Stock
- Kawasaki
- 1993 ZX1100
- 1100
- Lots
- 500 miles
- unknown
- Stock FF
- yes
- 6, sequential
- Beasley
- Chain
- None
- Yellow
- excellent
- Jongbloed
- One set Mounted Rains, few other spares