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Alfa Romeo C43 F1 Show Car


1989 Van Diemen Formula Cont. - SOLD

F1 Authentics 4

This is now SOLD. Search for similar items.


This is a very well maintained car used for a dozen track days over a period of five years. The engine had a season of racing on it since rebuild prior to my purchase and approximately fifteen hours of time. Car has a small spares package including but not limited to an extra set of wheels with rains mounted, brake and clutch master cyl, battery, front and rear wheel halves, crush box, nose cover , front wing assembly and a few sets of gears. The car is available with a 2007 AOK enclosed trailer with new tires, winch, interior lights, helmet shelf with clothes hanger, several D rings on walls, fuel can holder and custom made aluminum extended ramps for $ 17,500 or $ 11,500 car only. Need to sell to make room for new car!
Performance Data

  • FC
  • Sebring
  • Van Diemen
  • Formula
  • 2 Liter
  • Carb
  • one season + 15 Hour
Fuel System

  • Custom aluminum
  • 3 months
  • 6

  • Hewland
  • 4
  • H

  • Black
  • Very good

  • none