Race Cars

1990 Chaparral chaparral 39/42 ft. - SOLD

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Chaparral 39/42 ft. Gooseneck/ fifth wheel Trailer. 3 axles , ramp door, workbench, cabinents 4kw Onan 3kw gas Generato, 30 amp, 12,000 Roof AC. Finished inside walls, outside floods, awning , electrical lift, winch. Also: Elct. Brakes, 12/110v. Control panel plus breaker box, multiple elect. outside and inside. Florescent lights and 12v. lights inside. 6 foot work bench/storage cabinet, tire storage and shelves in front over goose neck. spare tire, dimond plate floor with recessed hold downs. 30 gallon water tank. 4 tires are brand new, brakes also. $8525.00
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