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1988 Chevy-GMC G30 Vandura PRICE REDUCED - SOLD

F1 Authentics 6

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This truck was purchased and set up to accommodate my Swift DB1 Formula Ford which is also for sale. (See Ad). Everything is set up for a ONE MAN operation. If you have a crew, great. If not, no problem. It has a 14' enclosed box with an 8' inside height. The cab is very clean and has new comfortable, adjustable seats. There is a sliding, lockable door from the cab into the box. The box is carpeted and outfitted for all race equipment and tools. The truck has a 2000# liftgate, the box overhangs the cab for additional storage and it has air conditioning. The engine was a new GM crate engine, new 20,000 miles ago. All miles have been freeway miles. The springs, shocks, drive shaft, differential and transmission have all been rebuilt. The tires are almost new and there is a spare inside. Workbench, shelving, tire rack, lights, everything you will need to function as a garage and a living room at the track.
Technical Data

  • 12,000 lbs
  • Chevrolet
  • 350 V8
Fuel System

  • Regular gasoline

  • White
  • Very Good

  • none