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1987 T & E 42 FRP Auto Hauler - SOLD

F1 Authentics 3

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42' T & E FRP Auto Hauler. 3 axle. air over hydrualic brakes. 150 gal race fuel tank, with pump and meter. 50 gal gen fuel tank. 300 gal water, with pump. 7500 watt genset. 110 volt and 12 volt lighting. A/C unit (reverse cycle) Stainless floor, work benches, and cabinets throughout entire trailer. Seperate tire storage in front of trailer. Seperate bottom storage in front of trailer. Electric winch and Stainless ramps included. Spare tire. Can be pulled by small tractor, or fifth wheel pickup. Brand new, unit went for $43000.00.

  • FRP
  • White
  • gvw of trailer is 19,000lbs. interior height is 8 ft in rear and 6 ft 5 in in work area in front

  • White
  • Stainless floor and benches
  • 8 to 9

  • none