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Alfa Romeo C43 F1 Show Car

$ 24,500+Tax

1960 Turner MK1

F1 Authentics 7


1960 Turner MK1 , known to the Turner registry as 60/319 , former vintage racer which still retains most of its rollbar, fire system, lap counter, fuel cell. It is equipped with 948 Austin Healy back with a Datsun Dog leg shift, five speed transmission, Interiors finished in red vinyl with  kirkey Driver seat and also comes with the stock one, she has been rewired for street use with new fuse box turn signals headlights horn. Period correct generator converted to alternator twin SU carburetors New aluminum radiator with dual fans, new heavy duty clutch with RiverGate conversion kit, real magnesium kidney bean wheels with front aluminum, brake drums, brake lines. Fuel lines have been updated with braided, steel hoses, Tilton paddles with dual master cylinders, all rebuilt. battery and shut off, mounted in the trunk can easily be converted back for racing if the new owner desires. Moto Lita, steering wheel with quick disconnect, new stay fast, convertible top, Stay fast  toneu cover , Lexanne windshield. Located in New York United States call 845-641-0558 

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Vintage Turner race car


Item Location: New city New York
Seller: 1960 Turner
Joined March 2024
  anthony vaccaro
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Country: United States of America
Phone: 8456410558
Condition Rebuilt
Trade or Private: Private
Price: $24,500+Tax
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Added: 10/26/2024
Views: 1002

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