Race Cars

1959 Lotus 18 Formula Junior - SOLD

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Body, chassis, suspension/wheels, interior restored in 2000-2001 by New England Classic Motors, Stratford, CT. Zero miles since restoration. Cosworth 997 cc engine, left hand shifter, drum brakes, Renault transmission, wobbly-web wheels.
Shipped from Lotus factory to Jay Chamberlain in 1960 (frame no. 101, chassis no. 816). Owned by Steve Moles in 1990s. Chassis restored by Lapinski Motors, Portland, OR in 1996. Owned by Marc Evans 1998-2000.Performance Data
- FJ
- 800 lbs
- Cosworth
- Ford
- 105E block
- 997 cc
- 75-100
- yes
- None
- Renault
- Left-hand 4 speed
- Very good
- Spaceframe
- Arch Motors
- steel
- gray
- excellent
- Double, unequal length wishbones, excellent cond
- Lower wishbone, half-shaft, excellent cond
- Drum
- Rack and pinion
- wobbly-web, six stud
- Dunlop Racing 4.50x15, 5.00x15
- red scuttle and driver's seat
- vinyl coverings, paint
- 2-point period racing belts
- Tach, water temp, oil temp
- red vinyl covered
- excellent
- none