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1969 Lotus Formel Typ 61 - SOLD

F1 Authentics 2

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The Type 61 ran 1969 / 1970 in England during the season, then it was in Texas/Americas, and was sold there until 1988 in the race. Documentation is available. Since 1988, the Type 61 is part of a collection and stood in a shop window of a Lotus-seller. I bought the car in disassembled parts. Missing parts were recovered. Engine and gearbox was COMPLETELY NEW renewed professional specialist. Additionally following work was carried out: Ø Axle overhauled, Ø All screws and bolts in correct customs Mass were replaced, Ø Electrical newly wired, Ø Fire extinguisher system-cables new procure and installed (bottle dates from 1988, I have kept it for historical reasons), Ø New battery, Ø Water pipes to the outside relocated (original, the 61 aquifer under pipes - to participate at events is not allowed for security reasons, and therefore pipes outside the vehicle), Ø All hoses and oil pipelines are replaced by new parts, Ø Brakes completely overhauled Ø New brake system pipes, Ø Clutch cylinder adapted to new clutch Ø New carburettor Ø New distributors Ø Dry sump pump reneuwed and much more All in all, a real nice formula racing car, in which technology has been completely revised with the aim to keep the beautiful patina. A car, that guarantees increase in value. Driving with such a formula racing car is great fun, completely checked with new technology, Type 61, a real beautiful look!!!

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