Race Cars

1971 Mallock Mk11A - SOLD

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This is a bare frame rebuild and zero time formula ford dyno-time only engine. This car can be run as a formula ford, formula 3 or sports racer. Comes with Mk 20 sports racer bodywork and 4 pot wildwood calipers and 1 set of 8" and 10" revolution wheels with new slicks for F-3 or sports racer and 3 sets of sun modular 8" and 10" rims and 2 sets of formuls ford steel wheels and single pot calipers for that series. All new black anodized alloy body panels, new seatbelts, fire system, fuel pump, Braille battery, gauges, wrirng harness quaife dogbox tranny, alloy pumpkin with 4.10 gears, alloy pumpkin with 3.90 gears and quaiffe positrac, etc..
2 log books full of SVRA racing,zero track time since full restoration.Performance Data
- F-Ford, F-3, Sports
- 1050 lbs
- Mallock
- Ford
- Sports-Racer/ formula Car
- 1600
- 110
- weber carb
- cast iron
- cast iron
- stock
- cast
- stock
- cast
- stock
- stock
- stock
- single disk ceramic
- Tilton
- f-rod spec
- 4 into 1 header
- fuel-safe
- 5 gallons
- electric
- pump gas
- alloy
- front
- pertronics
- Braille 11 pound
- Ford/Quaiffe
- dogbox
- 4
- solid axle
- 3.90
- alloy
- posi0trac
- glass nose, alloy body panels
- black
- anodized
- new
- spaceframe
- Arch Motors
- steel tube
- powder-coated
- outboard suspension, new AVO shocks and rod ends
- live axle, watts link, new AVO shocks and rod ends
- AVO single adjust-new
- new calipers
- rack and pinion
- Revolutions
- new slicks
- black anodized alloy panels
- alloy
- new
- new
- new
- new
- Mk 20 bodywork with 2 noses
- spare shark nose
- wilwood 4 pot calipers
- 2 sets new steel f-ford rims
- tilton high torque starter
- 3 sets sun modular rims