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1991 Formula Vee Mysterian - SOLD

F1 Authentics 2

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The mechanic who worked on the car with my husband and a couple members of SCCA in Seattle have gone over the car and suggested pricing it at $8,000 as many extras are included, but all reasonable offers will be considered. Would also consider selling car and wheels without the second engine and other spares. Here's what they have to say: "Very well sorted, low hours on refresh, upgraded shocks, adjustable front end, fresh spare motor, 3 extra set of wheels, low roll hoop, 2 spare noses, many more spares. SCCA and IRDC log books." More pictures available and I can put serious buyers in touch with the mechanic or club member in Seattle for additional information.


My husband raced in British Columbia at Mission and also in Seattle. Complete SCCA and IRDC log books available detailing production and competition history.

Competition History

Available in log books.

  • Spare motor
  • 3 extra sets of wheels
  • 2 noses
  • low roll hoop