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1975 Van Diemen RF75 Formula Fords Three Projects - SOLD

F1 Authentics 7

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This package consists of three project cars, one nearly complete chassis a second chassis which is in the middle of a repair needing replacement of the dash hoop and lower longerons (repair started), and a third chassis missing the engine bay but otherwise pretty good. Each car is partially incomplete ranging from about 50% on down. The complete chassis needs a sandblasting and some minor repairs but is in pretty good shape. The front pickup points have been modified to RF76 spec but could easily be returned to original. The suspension is pretty complete, a lot of proprietary parts like tanks and swirlpots are there, and there are the beginnings of an engine and gearbox. One set of bodywork is complete except for a tail cover. Someone interested in a ground-up Club Ford project or perhaps a European historic project probably couldn't find a more resonable price of entry. All of the parts for #1 are shown in the photos.


Prior to starting Bill Dolson Racing, Bill became friends with the staff of the Jim Russell Racing Drivers School in Quebec, Canada. Much to his amazement, they had a place on the Mont Tremblant Circuit known as the "boneyard". In it were the unsold remains of the first two models of cars run by the school, the Lotus 51 and the RF75 VanDiemen. A small shed contained a minor hoard of parts for these two models. While most of the cars had been sold off when changing models, those which had sustained crash damage in the end of thier last season and were under repair and disassembled were never sold off. Formula Ford historic eligability was on the horizon and Bill rescued the remains of three Lotus 51s, ultimately restoring all three and thus launching the business.

Competition History

none, Jim Russell School Cars since new, second owner
Performance Data

  • n/a lbs
  • some important proprietary parts, motor mounts, dry sump pan, adapter
Fuel System

Oil/Water System

  • original pair complete with mounting brackets
  • side rads
  • oil tank, swirl pot
Electrical System

  • battery mounting box

  • forward gearshift linkage
  • case, sideplates and output shafts, input shaft
Rear End

  • inboard CVs, outboard UJs

  • original good condition nose, cowling and side panels good condition nose subframe firewall
  • side rad shrouds can be made from aluminum sheet or Universal Race Services can privide them in glas

  • one complete chassis needing minor repairs (010), pedal mounting bracket
  • upper and lower wishbones, ARB drops links and adjusters, upright stub pins, shox, (use Triumph upri
  • 1 lower wishbone, upper trailing rods, 1 lower trailing rod, uprights, shox, 1 clevis, uprights, mis
  • inboard rear, outboard front, no brake parts, uses standard
  • rack center section and rack mounting blocks
  • none. uses standard Triumph bolt pattern wheels

  • 2 front lower wishbones
  • 5 trailing arm end spigots