Race Cars

Ford 2.0L FF2000 S2000 - SOLD

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2.0L Ford dry sump engine. Rebuilt a few years ago and dyno tested at 185hp. Not a “legal” engine for the spec race series. It has a Racer Walsh stage 3 cam 300 duration and 560 lift, large valve head and high compression flat top pistons. The engine has been in inside storage since the rebuild. Includes shipping/storage stand, steel dry sump pan, point type Bosch distributor, adjustable cam sprocket, steel flywheel and clutch. The engine should be good to go as is but I would recommend replacing the timing belt and checking the cam timing and valve lash first. $1500.00 with 2 bbl down draft manifold or $2500.00 with twin DCOE 48 Webers and intake.
Technical Data
- 200 lbs
- Ford
- 2.0L
- 185
- Twin Weber DCOE 48
- Large valve
- Ford
- 2 bolt
- OE Steel
- OE Ford
- Flat top HC
- Racer Walsh Stage 3
- Manley
- Ford
- Stock Ford
- Steel
- none