Race Cars

1990 Dodge BMW - SOLD

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1990 GMC Top Kick, 3116 turbo charged cat., ten speed, trans., air ride, air brakes, alum. whlth., ten ft. conv. box, side ent., boot bet. cab and box, elec. roof air cond., sofa bed, tv/vcr, self cont. enclosed toilet, clothes closet, overhead cabinets, swivel rocker/recliner, 2 inch and 3inch ball hook ups, elec. brake box, 5 under body storage comp., 12 volt int. lighting. The home is not currently fitted with a shower or generator but both could be added.
Hauling racing car trailers since new
Competition History
6 cylinder
Performance Data
- n/a
- Caterpillar lbs
- 3116 sec
- 80 gall.
- Spicer
- Road Ranger
- 10
- no
- n/a
- aluminum
- white
- n/a
- good
- steel
- painted
- good
- air
- alcoa
- radials
- cloth
- excellent
- Captain chairs in cab, driver seat air ride, passengers seat-swivels, AMFCD, good air cond. p/s., vinyl floor mat in truck cab, carpeting rear box, runs 72 mph.
- R front 3/4
- L front
- Right rear
- none