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1999 Sooner 53 Race Transporter - SOLD

F1 Authentics 3

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A. 53'L x 13'6"H x 8'6"W Semi-Trailer-all aluminum construction, to include inner wall standards, upper & lower floors, & .125" aluminum ("smoothside") sidewalls. The trailer is on two air ride axles with aluminum wheels & air brakes. Landing gear is a dual leg, 2-speed gear with a LH removable handle. B. 13' Office/Lounge area at the front with TV (auto satellite Dish & Track feed) Stereo Receiver, 50 Disk CD player, 2 Bose Speakers and 1 center channel speaker, VCR, Computer Lines, 12' couch, air conditioning, closet & upper/lower cabinetry for storage. This area has a screened, slider type window on each side. C. 40' shop/work area with wide aisle (lower deck) with all aluminum cabinetry/drawer units to store parts & supplies for use at tracks. This area has 2 heaters/fan units & gallery area with a microwave oven, refrigerator & coffee pot. D. 40' upper deck (53.5" high) for the cars to travel. The area has fluorescent lighting throughout & allows access to a 13' storage area over the office/lounge area. This entire area (as well as the rest of this trailer) is totally insulated with spray in foam and then sheeted with .050" aluminum sheets. E. 16' viewing platform sheeted with 1/8" treadplate and has detachable safety railing. This platform is located at the rear of the trailer roof & has 2 ladders for access to it. F. 13'L x 8'W hydraulic ball screw Lift Gate with aluminum filipout. This is used to transport the car(s) & material up to the upper deck. G. Storage boxes along the bottom of both sides of the trailer. Nitrogen bottle storage is in the front compartment under the back of the lounge with a side access door. H. Awning is a RH 53'L x 22'W w/side curtains & projection add-on to make a total covered space of 75'L x 22'W with this projection attached to the main canopy. (ONE OF THE SIDE CURTAINS NEEDS A NEW ZIPPER) I. Nosebox (stainless covered) with a 25KW Genset, 50 Gallon Tank, 5 HP air Compressor & the 2 outside units for the air conditioners.


Originally designed and used for one year by Dorricot Mears Indy Lights team. I bought it in 2000 and used it for eight Cart Toyota Atlantic race and seven test session. In 2002 I leased it to a friend whom runs in the ARCA Remax stockcar series. He has kept it in great shape and maintained everything while he has had it. This year he has only run Daytona.Technical Data

  • 32,4 lbs

  • All Aluminum
  • Currently Decaled Green/White/Blk
  • Gloss Red/Black/White
  • Very Good

  • Sooner
  • Aluminum
  • Very Good
  • Air Ride
  • Air brakes
  • Aluminum
  • new

  • White work area and upper deck/Lounge is grey
  • aluminum/ Lounge has particle board cabinets
  • very good

  • none