Race Cars

2005 Renegade Coronado - SOLD

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2005 Renegade Coronado twin drive-axle Toter Home (19 foot conversion) with 500 horsepower and 12 speed auto transmission, with slide out and electric canopy. Interior includes marble tile, top of the line finishes. List price for toter was $239,400. Sells with 2005 Renegade 42 foot three-axle goose-neck stacker with screw liftgate, full air conditioning, mirrored side and rear slide doors, full length canopy. List price for trailer was $146,800. Both have only 60,000 miles. Both were built as dealer display by Ball Renegade for SEMA show and used as owner's personal rig. They have every available Renegade option. Two years later am asking $230,000 for this $380,000 combination. PRICE: $230,000.00 obo.
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