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Alfa Romeo C43 F1 Show Car

$ 1,100

Set of 18 " x 5" stud BBS wheels - SOLD

F1 Authentics 8

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Used car set of BBS 18" wheels, specs as follows

Front wheels;

BBS wheels center pt#:  0201195

Width: 11.0"

Backspace: 8.125"

Center hole: 3"

Wheel stud hole dia:  9/16th"

PCD: 5 stud x 127mm [5.0"]

Rear wheels;

BBS wheel center pt#:  0201191

Width: 11.5"

Backspace: 8.625"

Center hole: 3"

Wheel stud hole dia: 9/16th"

PCD: 5 stud x 127mm [5"]

Overall the wheels are in good condition with no dings, dents or deformation to the rims, but there are scratch marks around the wheel nut area from wheel guns during pit stops.

Originally used on a Speedsource GT Mazda.

More pictures available

Price $1,100 per set + shipping


Keyword Search Terms:

BBS GT wheels