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Lucas metering units and various parts - SOLD

F1 Authentics 10

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I am selling two Lucas 8-cylinder Mk2 metering units, spare parts and tools.  The two metering units are in very good condition and ready to install.  One was used for testing motors on our test-bench and is in great condition, the other I believe is a fresh rebuild (if not NOS) and has not been installed (it has been in a plastic bag for many years).

All these parts come from the Estate of my father, William Wonder, who raced for many years in GT40's, Can-Am and other classes.  I am no longer racing myself and am selling all of the cars we have left as well as the parts and other items.

It was hard to take pictures of everything that I have for the Lucas metering units, but am looking to sell everything as a single lot.


Keyword Search Terms:

F1, CanAm, Formula 1, Can-Am, Lucas, Metering Unit