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Own an F1 Simulator

$ 29,500

this car is a fresh motor and trans and is ready for the track, allot of extras

F1 Authentics 10


here is the number 98 car, Buzz Kill driven my John Murphy,motor and transmission fresh and ready for the track, comes with lotts of extras, car has a billy the kid motor with a Jerico transmission

  • History: here are some races its been in, K&N pro east series 7/2010 finished 12th Busch North Series camping world east series nascar grand national east series
  • Engine Builder: Billy the Kid Mathis
  • Fuel Cell
  • Spare Part: 16 spare tires 12 are new
  • Spare Part: 2 extra sets of rims
  • Spare Part: cool tank
  • Spare Part: brake pads , axels etc...


Joined January 2009
  Mike Walters
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Country: United States of America
Phone: +1 737 241 3999
+1 737 241 3999
Condition Used
Trade or Private: Private
Price: $29,500
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Added: 07/21/2015
Views: 1987

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