Race Cars

1960 SAAB 93F Sedan - SOLD

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Competition History
Car placed at several vintage races, results could be found with Central Florida Region SCCA and SVRA.
Performance Data
- Group 1
- ? lbs
- See history
- 2 stroke
- 850 cc
- unknown
- unknown
- 1 bbl Solex 40AI carburetor
- stock
- stock, high nickle alloy cast iron
- none
- stock
- stock
- stock
- none
- none
- none
- new
- stock, heavy duty
- stock
- modified sport
- unknown
- none
- 2 stroke pre-mix motor, upgraded cooling system with electric cooling fan
- Safe Quip
- unknown
- 8 gallons
- electric - centrifugal
- high octane gasoline & oil
- VW Scirrocco cross-flow alloy
- stock
- stock
- none
- n/a
- Pertronix / master battery cut-off switch
- generator
- in required marine battery box
- n/a
- n/a
- 4 speed
- standard
- column mounted
- none
- 8 - 9 races
- freewheeling is locked
- stock
- stock
- n/a
- unknown
- alloy
- open
- stock
- 8 - 9 races
- front wheel drive, integral part of listed transmission
- steel
- Bright yellow
- acrylic enamel
- Very good
- New blank white vinyl number circles on doors, hood, & trunk
- unibody
- steel
- partially painted, partially undercoated
- Good
- Stock
- Stock
- KYB Gas
- front disc, rear drum
- stock
- alloy factory SAAB
- Yokohama 185/65/15
- silver and black
- steel and vinyl
- extinguisher
- 5 point harness
- tach, water temp.
- SAAB Sonett
- Fair, belts expired
- none