Race Cars

1986 Swift DB2 Sports 2000 Roller - SOLD

This is now SOLD. Search for similar items.
A competitive National car and a consistent regional winner it is
a multiple regional champion and and SCCA record holder, also qualifying for the Runoffs in '96.
Previously offered as a partially disassembled roller which had suffered some light crash damage,
(right side f/r rockers bent, front lower wishbone and steering arm bent, tiny tub ding) it has
been reassembled, updated to 1998 rules, and given a one weekend shakedown resulting in a win! With a fresh Thomas Engineering
Motor and a generous complement of spares it is ready to race and win!
Owner by the curent owner since '91, the car is on its third logbook since new and all are
available for inspection.
Competition History
The car has run mostly Nationals for the last 6 years. It qualified for the Runoffs in 1996.
- Fresh Thomas Engineering motor
- stainless steel header (open and muffled exhaust)
- fuel cell
- LHS rad
- MSD ignition
- glassfibre nose, tail and sidepods
- polished aluminum monocoque
- tall man rollover bar
- Fox, 2 weekends on factory rebuild
- rocker, requires RHS rocker, lower a-arm, and steering arm
- rocker, requires RHS rocker
- rack pro rebuilt March '96
- vented rotors, big brakes all four corners
- Jongbloods
- car is underweight with 180 lb. driver and can be lightened
- EGT guages
- 6 point harness '95
- 5 lb. mechanical fire system
- WT, OP, Tach, oil lite
- bars and brake bias adjusters
- spare set car fasteners
- spare nose and tail sections
- set Jongbloods with mounted rains (older Goodyear floods)
- alignment system allows toe and camber to be set at ride height on jack stands
- rotors, set pads
- some suspension components and ARBs
- gear sets negotiable