Race Cars

1993 timberwolf 42 ft gooseneck w/living Qtrs - SOLD

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14ft. of living quarters (+7ft. for the California king bed in the goosneck overhang.) General Information: 6kw remote start generator, new brakes, oldest tires are 2 years old, 2 speed landing gear, spare tire & jack. Garage: 2 tool boxes, winch,lots of cabinets, full electric, fluorescent lighting front and rear, carpeted, d-ring tie downs, new electrical service box. Living Quarters:Bath: shower,vanity sink, medicine cabinet marine toilet, power vent. California King Bed,6 gal hot water tank,40 gal fresh water tank, micorwave oven, oak cabinetry, bench dinette converts to extra sleeping area. 13.5 btu a/c with heat strip, vinyl flooring.
- timberwolf
- none