Race Cars

42 Ft. Freuhauf Two Car Race Trailer - SOLD

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Complete living quarters by Coachman Motor Home Co. Trick Coachman one piece bathroom with toilet, sink, full size tub,
and shower including medicine chest and mirror. Make your wife family and friends happy by avoiding the
Porta-Johns at big events. It has refrigerator, microwave, kitchen sink, ice box, furnace, roof mount heat/air unit,
toaster, and hot water heater. Multiple overhead cabinets, under bed storage, under dinette storage, clothes closet,
and silverware type drawers. It sleeps four easily, six if you are a cozy bunch. Fresh water storage, including
grey water reservoirs. On board hydraulics for hydraulic dragster lift and rear door ramp. 5000 watt Onan Generator.
Two D-8 batteries, unreal amount of underbelly, basement storage for tools, jacks, tires, wheels, engines, etc.