Race Cars

1977 Merlyn MK 30 - SOLD

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Race ready will pass any Tech. inspection. Ivey refreshed motor W/zero hours. New paint , new wheels and tires used once. Former class champion. This model won 2004 Monoposto class championship. Professionally Maintained.
The first Merlyn's started out as Formula Junior in 1960 , first formula Ford was Mk10 1967. Jim Russell School car, noted especially strong car.Merlyn still in busness producing spares for all wonderful old Merlyn cars. This car is a Former class champion in theSouhwest SCCA region.
Competition History
Former class champion. 2004 2nd in vintage SCCA NW.
Performance Data
- FF
- tbd. lbs
- Ivey Engines
- Ford
- Kent Cross Flow uprated
- 1600 cc
- 108.5
- 98.2
- Weber 32/36 DVG
- Tilton
- Tilton
- New Header
- fuel safe
- dual
- rear side
- Earls
- rear
- Bosch Dist.
- Odyssey Drycell new
- Hewland MK 6
- 4 speed + Rev.
- 4
- Hewland
- Mk 6
- Hewland
- Steel tube - fiberglass
- Blue / blue
- New -very good
- Space frame
- Colchester Racing Developement LTD.
- Steel tube/ Aluminum
- Enamel
- Very good
- Plated excellent
- plated excellent
- Fox Gas- Dynoed and rebuilt
- Lockheed new rotors and pads
- Rack & Pinion
- Alloy Panasport new
- Avon / Slicks /& Goodyear Rains
- Black
- Halon 5 Lb.
- Willans - New
- Complete
- leather Original removable
- very good
- Original alloy uprightrs
- Suspension parts
- 8 gear sets
- Misc.
- spare nose