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Alfa Romeo C43 F1 Show Car


Ford 2 Litre - SOLD

F1 Authentics 8

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Single OH Cam 2.0 Litre Ford Pinto-based Engine for Sale. Dual Weber side-draft induction. Built by Sterling Engines as a Sports 2000 motor in 1996, run one season in SCCA-SFR, Crossle Sports 2000 chassis, won SF Region Championship, completely freshened and reconfigured with high lift, long duration cam, hi-power pistons, fresh crank for 1997 RDC 4 Hour Enduro at Laguna Seca, which it WON. With 175 HP, this engine is built for a broad power band, with strong torque to come off corners faster than peaky competitors. No runtime after freshening and new cam/pistons/crank other than above mentioned 4 hr race; team ran Spec Ford class in subsequent seasons. Only $2,950for this high quality, winnning engine. for pictures. SF Bay Area.


Built by Sterling Engines as a Sports 2000 motor in 1996, run one season in SCCA-SFR, Crossle Sports 2000 chassis, completely freshened and reconfigured with high lift, long duration cam, hi-power pistons, new crank for 1997 RDC 4 Hour Enduro at Laguna Seca, which it WON.Engine
  • Sterling
  • Ford
  • 2 Litre
  • 2 Litre
  • 175
  • Dual Weber Side-drafts

  • none