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2007 Pace Pursuit 44 foot - SOLD

F1 Authentics 8

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2007 Pace Pursuit 44 foot gooseneck. Three 6,000lb axles. 18,000GVW. 8 foot interior width, extra 12" height for a 7 foot, 3 inch interior height. Ramp rear door, beavertail to axles. 12v dome lights, roof vents, 4 foot side door with security latch. Spare tire. 36 foot floor legnth, with spacious 6 foot granny's attic. Plywood interior


We bought this in March 2007 from the factory in Waco, Tx. and only used it to haul my wife's belongnings and one SUV on two trips.Technical Data

  • 7,952 lbs

  • Aluminum
  • White
  • Excellent
  • Galvanized roof

  • Plywood
  • excellent

  • none